Weʼre changing the way people take notes
Capture your ideas instantly and let AI handle the rest.
With Memoism you can easily organize, categorize and rediscover your memories.
Capture your ideas instantly and let AI handle the rest.
With Memoism you can easily organize, categorize and rediscover your memories.
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Memoism makes it easy for you to record, reflect and remember your notes and memories.
We empower you to rediscover your memos in new and exciting ways by exploring relationships between them and leveraging AI, allowing you to engage and interact with your content.
Creating a new memo is quick and easy and supports a rich range of formats, from text to images to voice recordings.
No more tedious manual tags and folders, let AI categorize and sort your memos to keep you organized.
Discover relationships between your memos and converse with your memory to quickly find answers.